fusterpbidot Admin replied

293 weeks ago

Download Full Movie Red State In Hindi

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a5c7b9f00b In the Midwest of the USA, three sex-crazed teenage boys receive an invitation from a woman online who wants to hook up with them. When the three friends arrive, they soon realise their promise of sex is a trap and soon they must escape from the deranged leader of a Christian Fundamentalist cult.
Set in Middle America, a group of teens receive an online invitation for sex, though they soon encounter fundamentalists with a much more sinister agenda.
The "religious" people shown in the film are clearly using religion to fulfill sadistic desires, and no religion should be blamed for the actions of a few "nuts." However, what's worse is how the ATF agents are portrayed, which would place them on the same levelNazi SS guards at death camps if they actually were like this in reality. And of course we get the bungling local sheriff. Why that character's name wasn't Lobo is an interesting question.<br/><br/>Really, the only "message"' one gets in this film is that the director is an incompetent with a bizarre view of social reality. I would welcome a film that shows how a cult is comprised of many different types of personalities, with some of the members really wanting to do good and thinking that they are, for instance. Perhaps we would get some back story about what led them to the cult in the first place. This is where we might see some social reality. For example, perhaps one of them lost a loved one because they lacked health insurance and put off going to a doctor. In this case, the person would fall into the hands of a group of people who are opposed to making sure everyone has good health care, generally-speaking.<br/><br/>Synopsis : One of the worst movies i have ever seen .. scenario & cast total crap..
Good Flick! Kevin Smith is always edgy, be it comedy or drama. Showing the point of view from all sides involved is absolute genius. Snarky references to Ruby Ridge and Waco really put this on the map for me.<br/><br/>I enjoyed the movie. I was pulled into the plot immediately, and the story played out flawlessly. Not at all the goofy, sloppy, tired plot that is so prevalent in Hollywood. Strong work, Mr. Smith.<br/><br/>I think a lot of the other comments give short-shrift to the nuances and underlying premise of the movie. Namely, "who is right?" The agent who thinks for himself? The parishioners who are led like sheep, yet fight for what they believe in? Is the government wrong doing what it perceivesprotecting the populace? I believe that Kevin Smith's premise is this: Do what you want,longit doesn't hurt anyone else. Afterall, that is what God really set out for us in the beginning. He's knows we're imperfect, and knows what we're ultimately going to do. We make choices, because He gave us that blessing/curse.
For all its boisterous profanity and splattery violence, the film is more of a weary sigh than a sputtering volley of indignation.
Although it was initially suspected that it would be a slasher film, it is actually more like an action thriller. The horror is derived from real life hatred and the violence that people are capable of committing. Also unlike most slasher films, all violence and death in Red State is done with firearms. The movie however does feature numerous horror genre tropes where comparisons can be made between it and The Devil's Rejects and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It is not based on an actual story but is inspired but various real life events. The villain is a composite of Fred Phelps, Jim Jones and other leaders of religious cults. The events of the story are also quite similar to the Branch Davidian tragedy in Waco, Texas. During the shootout with the ATF and Five Points Church, the congregation's children are hidden in the attic. Later the teenage church member Cheyenne tells them to escape out the back and they are not seen in the film again. During many of Kevin Smith's Q&A appearances for the film he has said that if you listen to the background audio there is the sound of children screaming in the distance soon after the scene when Cheyenne and Jared are killed. Smith said he intentionally chose not to reveal the exact fate of the children. Kevin Smith's first drafted ending for Red State was to have the climactic shootout at the church end when the true apocalypse begins: Trumpet blasts herald from the sky which turns blood red and is filled with angels, one of which impales Pastor Cooper with a flaming sword. Given the film's $5,000 special effects budget this ending was logistically impossible yet elements of it inspired the film's final ending. No. This movie is a stand alone story. It does not contain (ex: Jay and Silent Bob) any characters or overt references to previous Kevin Smith films.
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last edited 215 weeks ago by fusterpbidot
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